Saturday, May 12, 2012


The main reason why it’s very tempting of wanting to go back to what we once had, reminiscing, clinging to the past memories and all, are because of fear. To move forwards in life, definitely involves fear, taking risks, facing the unknown and uncertainty future. Going back along the road that we already traveled once has none of that because u already know the route, the pitfalls and the dangerous parts of the journey. Past are familiar, and new is always scary, so it’s always easy to get sucked back into the comfort of going back.

However, with no risk, comes no reward, and if u always do what u’ve always done, u will only get what u’ve always had. And there will be no exciting adventure in your life then...."No Pain, No Gain". The way i see it now, the important thing in life, isn’t the destination, but the journey, the challenges we faced along the way, the unexpected challenge and twist on the road, the failure and disappointments that u overcome. Eventually sooner or later i have to do something, for myself, and make my mark. But until then, whatever i do is not a waste of time, it’s all building towards something. All my life, people dont expect much from me, n never took me seriously. If i don't start taking care and loving myself, who the fuck else will?

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